Current filter – owned by: Robert Lehman [remove filter]
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445 artworks found
instance of: painting (402) | drawing (34) | sculpture (4) | tapestry (3) | tondo (2) | illumination (1) | triptych (1) | pastel (1) | watercolor painting (1)
movement: Flemish Primitives (3) | rococo (2) | Sienese School (1) | Early Renaissance (1)
genre: religious art (152) | portrait (32) | landscape art (25) | Christian art (4) | genre art (4) | illumination (2) | marine art (2) | miniature (2) | mythology (1) | self-portrait (1) | vitreous enamel (1) | portrait painting (1) | cityscape (1)
artist: anonymous (171) | Giovanni di Paolo (11) | Sano di Pietro (8) | Pierre-Auguste Renoir (6) | Giacomo Guardi (6) | Paul Signac (5) | Édouard Vuillard (5) | Suzanne de Court (5) | Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (4) | Georges Seurat (4) | Lorenzo Monaco (4) | Luca Carlevarijs (4) | Constantin Westchiloff (4) | Pierre Bonnard (3) | Hans Memling (3) | Claude Lorrain (3) | Master of the Osservanza Triptych (3) | Spinello Aretino (3)
part of the series: St. Jerome (1) | The Life of the Virgin (1) | Alba Passion (1)
depicts: man (96) | woman (59) | Virgin Mary (31) | Child Jesus (26) | tree (18) | boat (18) | flower (12) | horse (10) | house (9) | John the Baptist (6) | Jerome (6) | Bernardino of Siena (6) | soldier (6) | Jesus Christ (5) | Catherine of Siena (4) | John the Evangelist (4) | book (3) | leaf (3)
material used: oil paint (82) | tempera (66) | wood (59) | canvas (57) | panel (19) | gold leaf (11) | parchment (6) | paper (3) | ink (3) | copper (2) | graphite (2) | silk (2) | gouache paint (2) | vitreous enamel (2) | cardboard (2) | oak (2) | watercolor paint (2) | silver-gilt thread (2)
collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art (445) | Philip Lehman (3) | private collection (2) | J. P. Morgan (1) | Maurice Kann (1) | Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goodhart (1) | Madame Fould (1) | Galerie Trotti (1) | H. Wendland (1) | E. Vaïsse (1) | Robert Lehman Collection (1) | Robert Lehman Collection (1)
location: Metropolitan Museum of Art (443) | New York City (2) | Palazzo Barberini (1)
part of: Hours of Étienne Chevalier (1) | Montefiore dell'Aso Polyptych (1) | Santa Croce Altarpiece (1)
country of origin: Italy (16) | United States of America (5) | Spain (1) | Netherlands (1) | France (1)
exhibition history: Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (3) | The Renaissance Portrait. From Donatello to Bellini (1) | Corot 1796-1875 (1) | Exposition des primitifs français au Palais du Louvre (Pavillon de Marsan) et à la Bibliothèque nationale (1) | Mantegna and Bellini (1) | Monet Collector (1) | Tapestry in the Renaissance: Art and Magnificence (1)
main subject: Madonna and Child (27) | Nativity of Jesus (7) | Annunciation (6) | Adoration of the Magi (5) | crucifixion of Jesus (4) | lamentation of Christ (4) | Coronation of the Virgin (3) | Christianity (2) | Last Supper (2) | Pietà (2) | Holy Family (2) | Adoration of the shepherds (2) | Tobias and the Angel (2) | Peter (1) | John the Baptist (1) | entombment of Christ (1) | Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Savoy (1) | Assumption of Mary (1)
location of final assembly: Arles (1)
published in: European Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born before 1865: A Summary Catalogue (6) | The Robert Lehman Collection. Vol. 1, Italian Paintings (5) | The Robert Lehman Collection. Vol. 4, Illuminations (4) | Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence, 1300–1450 (3) | Treasures of a Lost Art: Italian Manuscript Painting of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (2) | Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (1) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Masterpiece Paintings (1) | German Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1350–1600 (1) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 5, The Renaissance in the North (1) | Fifteenth- to Eighteenth-Century European Paintings: France, Central Europe, The Netherlands, Spain, and Great Britain (1) | The Robert Lehman Collection, Volume XV: European and Asian Decorative Arts (1)
fabrication method: gilding (1) | tapestry weaving (1) | dovetailing (1) | interlocked tapestry weaving (1) | slit tapestry weaving (1) | brocading (1)