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824 artworks found
instance of: drawing (799) | design (458) | painting (14) | monoprinting (11) | sculpture (7) | tapestry (4) | portrait at bust length (1) | file box (1)
movement: rococo (37) | Louis XVI style (19) | Baroque (10) | neoclassicism (9) | Empire style (2) | Louis Quinze (2) | Louis XIV style (1) | late Gothic (1) | Regence style (1)
genre: drawing (796) | portrait (5) | bust (2) | Baroque (1) | landscape art (1) | self-portrait (1) | cityscape (1) | panoramic painting (1) | religious art (1) | mythological painting (1)
artist: anonymous (337) | Jan-Baptist Verberckt (I) (48) | Hendrik Frans Verbruggen (40) | Willem Ignatius Kerricx (37) | Daniël Herreyns (31) | Willem Jacob Herreyns (28) | J.J. van der Neer (24) | Jean-François Van Geel (21) | Pieter Scheemaeckers (20) | Jan Peter van Baurscheit the Elder (16) | Lodewijk Willemsens (16) | Antoon Overlaet (16) | Jacob de Wit (12) | Pieter Verbrugghen I (12) | Joannes Petrus Antonius Verschuylen (11) | Jan Peter van Baurscheit the Younger (10) | Cornelis Smet (10) | Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen the Elder (10)
depicts: woman (1) | boy (1) | Leopold I of Belgium (1) | Matthew the Apostle (1) | Heracles (1) | Diana (1) | fence (1) | Kallisto (1) | Thierry of Lorraine, Count of Flanders (1) | Jacob Jordaens (1) | Fortifications of Brussels (1) | reliquary (1) | seduction (1) | Pentagon (1) | Saint John the Baptist Church (1) | Patriarch van Jeruzalem (1)
material used: paper (692) | brown ink (413) | ink (207) | watercolor paint (151) | pencil (102) | chalk (81) | sanguine (81) | black chalk (52) | India ink (16) | oil paint (10) | chalk stick (5) | canvas (5) | paint (4) | panel (4) | pastel (2) | gouache paint (2) | silver (1) | silk (1)
collection: King Baudouin Foundation (823) | Collection Van Herck (798) | Museum Plantin-Moretus (797) | Royal Museums of Art and History (3) | Maison Jonathas (3) | Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (2) | Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (1) | Basilica of the Holy Blood (1) | BELvue Museum (1) | hôtel de Groesbeeck - de Croix (1) | Rubenshuis (1) | Château de Seneffe (1) | musée provincial Félicien Rops (1) | Den Ast (1)
location: Museum Plantin-Moretus (797) | Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (4) | Rubenshuis (4) | Royal Museums of Art and History (3) | Maison Jonathas (3) | Musée provincial des Arts anciens (2) | musée provincial Félicien Rops (2) | Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (1) | Basilica of the Holy Blood (1) | BELvue Museum (1) | hôtel de Groesbeeck - de Croix (1) | Museum Mayer van den Bergh (1) | Museum of Fine Arts (1) | Château de Seneffe (1) | King Baudouin Foundation (1) | Den Ast (1)
part of: Collection Van Herck (798) | Philippe and Marcel Wolfers Collection (1) | Story of Cleopatra (1)
exhibition history: None (29) | Tentoonstelling van Tekeningen der Verbruggens en ontwerpen van Alterin, Tabernakels en Tronen van Antwerpsche Beeldhouwers-Architecten der 17e- en 18de Eeuwen (26) | Jubelentententoonsetlling Walter Pompe, 1703-1777, en de Antwerpesche Laat-Barok Beeldhouwers. (15) | Alla luce di Roma. I disegni scenografici di scultori fiamminghi e il barocco romano 1809-1866 (14) | Tentoonstelling van tekenignen: G. Kerricx en G.I. Kerrix, Ontwerpen ... Maketten en Beeldhouwwerken. (7) | 20 jaar kunstschattenjacht (6) | BRAFA 2012 (5) | Zilver uit Antwerpen (5) | Welgevormd, Mechelse beeldhouwers in Europa (4) | Kerkelijke Kunst (3) | Trésor pour tous (3) | Der Kuss der Sphinx. Symbolismus in Belgien (2) | De Madonna in de Kunst (2) | From Floris to Rubens - Great masterdrawings from a Belgian private collection (1) | Signes des temps. Oeuvres visionnaires d avant 1914 (1) | De Eeuw van Rubens (1) | De Beeldhouwkunst in de eeuw van Rubens in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en het Prinsbisdom Luik (1) | Lucas Faydherb 1607-1697, Mechels Beeldhouwer en Architect (1)
main subject: Jacob Jordaens (1) | Road to Emmaus appearance (1) | conversion of Paul the Apostle (1) | Marguerite Khnopff (1)
fabrication method: watercolor (1) | ink wash painting (1)
time period: 18th century (110) | 17th century (27) | 16th century (21) | 19th century (2)