Current filter – owned by: Eugène Van Herck [remove filter]
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13 artworks found
instance of: drawing (12) | design (11) | sculpture (1)
movement: Louis XVI style (1)
genre: drawing (12) | sculpture (1)
artist: Willem Jacob Herreyns (3) | anonymous (3) | Michiel van der Voort I (2) | Daniël Herreyns (2) | Abraham van Diepenbeeck (1) | Joseph-Jacques Ramée (1) | Hendrik Frans Verbruggen (1)
material used: paper (12) | brown ink (10) | ink (2) | watercolor paint (2) | pencil (1) | terracotta (1)
collection: King Baudouin Foundation (13) | Heritage Fund (13) | Collection Van Herck (13) | Museum Plantin-Moretus (12) | Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (1)
location: Museum Plantin-Moretus (12) | Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (1)
part of: Collection Van Herck (13)
exhibition history: None (3) | Alla luce di Roma. I disegni scenografici di scultori fiamminghi e il barocco romano 1809-1866 (2) | The van Herck Collection: Terracotta’s from the 17th and 18th Centuries (1) | Tentoonstelling van Tekeningen der Verbruggens en ontwerpen van Alterin, Tabernakels en Tronen van Antwerpsche Beeldhouwers-Architecten der 17e- en 18de Eeuwen (1)
time period: 18th century (1) | 17th century (1)