movement: High Renaissance / artist: Raphael / location: Room 712

Current filter – movement: High Renaissance [remove filter] artist: Raphael [remove filter] location: Room 712 [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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instance of: painting (5)

commissioned by: Leo X (1)

owned by: Lucas van Uffelen (1)

genre: religious art (3) | portrait (1) | self-portrait (1)

depicts: Virgin Mary (1) | woman (1) | boy (1) | man (1) | nudity (1) | John the Baptist (1) | beard (1) | umbilicus (1) | Michael the Archangel (1) | trunk (1) | Baldassare Castiglione (1) | angel (1) | Holy Family (1) | Child Jesus (1) | sitting (1)

material used: oil paint (5) | canvas (5) | canvas (1)

collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (5)

main subject: Baldassare Castiglione (1) | Holy Family (1) | John the Baptist in the wilderness (1)

St. Michael Vanquishing Satan

by Raphael (1518)
angel Michael the Archangel

Self-portrait with a friend

by Raphael (1518)
Raphael man

Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione

by Raphael (1514)
Baldassare Castiglione beard

St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness

by Raphael (1516)
John the Baptist nudity umbilicus sitting trunk

The Holy Family of Francis I

by Raphael (1518)
Holy Family Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary woman