movement: Etruscan art / depicts: phiale / instance of: funerary urn

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3 artworks found

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genre: funerary art (3) | sculptural group (1)

artist: anonymous (3)

material used: terracotta (2) | pietra fetida (1)

collection: Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre (3)

location: Room 423 (3)

location of final assembly: Chiusi (3)

cinerary urn lid

funerary urn / statue
by anonymous (-1th century)
man half reclining phiale

cinerary group

funerary urn / sculpture
by anonymous (-3th century)
man half reclining male toplessness umbilicus phiale woman sitting bird's wing

cinerary urn lid

funerary urn / sculpture
by anonymous (-2th century)
man half reclining phiale male toplessness umbilicus