genre: landscape art / part of the series: Astronomical Observations / material used: canvas

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] part of the series: Astronomical Observations [remove filter] material used: canvas [remove filter]

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8 artworks found

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instance of: painting (8)

artist: Donato Creti (8)

depicts: sky (8) | night (8) | mountain (8) | tree (8) | astronomer (8) | man (7) | telescope (6) | Mars (1) | Saturn (1) | Mercury (1) | Venus (1) | Jupiter (1) | Moon (1) | woman (1) | Sun (1) | comet (1)

collection: Pinacoteca Vaticana (8)

location: Pinacoteca Vaticana (8)

Astronomical Observations: Mars

by Donato Creti (1711)
Mars night sky tree mountain astronomer man

Astronomical Observations: Mercury

by Donato Creti (1711)
Mercury night sky tree mountain astronomer man telescope

Astronomical Observations: the Sun

by Donato Creti (1711)
Sun night sky tree mountain astronomer man telescope

Astronomical Observations: the Moon

by Donato Creti (1711)
Moon night sky tree mountain astronomer man telescope

Astronomical Observations: Comet

by Donato Creti (1711)
comet night sky tree mountain astronomer woman

Astronomical Observations: Jupiter

by Donato Creti (1711)
Jupiter night sky tree mountain astronomer man telescope

Astronomical Observations: Venus

by Donato Creti (1711)
Venus night sky tree mountain astronomer man telescope

Astronomical Observations: Saturn

by Donato Creti (1711)
Saturn night sky tree mountain astronomer man telescope