genre: landscape art / depicts: sky / collection: private collection / artist: Johan Christian Dahl

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] depicts: sky [remove filter] collection: private collection [remove filter] artist: Johan Christian Dahl [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

movement: Romanticism (2)

material used: oil paint (3) | canvas (3)

exhibition history: Dahl and Friedrich. Romantic Landscapes (2) | Johan Christian Dahl 1788-1857. Jubilee Exhibition 1988 (1)

Landscape in Kaupanger with a Stave Church

by Johan Christian Dahl (1847)
landscape stave church forest tree Betula pubescens river waterfall house bridge horse woman man mountain sky cloud fog

Nordic Landscape with Trolltindene

by Johan Christian Dahl (1823)
Trollryggen mountain sky cloud farm forest

Dresden in the Moonlight

by Johan Christian Dahl (1823)
Dresden moonlight cloud sky tree campfire