genre: landscape art / material used: wood / exhibition history: The Young van Gogh and The Hague School / owned by: Paul Mellon

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] material used: wood [remove filter] exhibition history: The Young van Gogh and The Hague School [remove filter] owned by: Paul Mellon [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

movement: Realism (1)

artist: Vincent van Gogh (1)

depicts: house (1) | tree (1) | field (1) | tulip (1)

collection: National Gallery of Art (1)

location: museum's storage space (1)

main subject: farm (1)

location of final assembly: The Hague (1)

published in: European Paintings: An Illustrated Catalogue (1) | Flower Still Lifes from the Netherlands and Belgium 1870-1940 (1) | Van Gogh's Flowers (1) | Van Gogh: Face to Face. The Portraits (1) | Vincent's Gardens: Paintings and Drawings by Van Gogh (1)

Bulb Fields

by Vincent van Gogh (1883)
tulip field house tree