genre: landscape art / material used: copper / main subject: rest on the flight into Egypt / instance of: painting

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] material used: copper [remove filter] main subject: rest on the flight into Egypt [remove filter] instance of: painting [remove filter]

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2 artworks found

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artist: Cornelius van Poelenburgh (1) | Goffredo Wals (1)

depicts: ruins (1)

collection: Fogg Museum (1) | National Museum of Western Art (1) | Harvard Art Museums (1)

location: Fogg Museum (1) | National Museum of Western Art (1) | Harvard Art Museums (1)

Landscape with the Rest on the Flight into Egypt

by Goffredo Wals (1619)

The Rest on The Flight into Egypt

by Cornelius van Poelenburgh (1630s)