genre: landscape art / collection: Musée d'Orsay / depicts: Seine / instance of: painting / material used: oil paint

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] collection: Musée d'Orsay [remove filter] depicts: Seine [remove filter] instance of: painting [remove filter] material used: oil paint [remove filter]

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38 artworks found

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owned by: France (1) | Paul Gachet (1) | Paul-Louis Gachet (1)

movement: Impressionism (8) | academic art (1)

artist: Claude Monet (15) | Alfred Sisley (6) | Pierre-Auguste Renoir (3) | Camille Pissarro (3) | Maximilien Luce (2) | Paul Gauguin (1) | Paul Signac (1) | Gustave Caillebotte (1) | Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1) | Armand Guillaumin (1) | Albert Lebourg (1) | Jean-François Raffaëlli (1) | Henri Rouart (1) | James Wilson Morrice (1)

part of the series: Bras de Seine près de Giverny (1)

location: Louvre Museum (1) | Galerie nationale du Jeu de paume (1) | Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (1) | Museum of Grenoble (1) | Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen (1)

part of: Bras de Seine près de Giverny (1)

country of origin: France (1)

exhibition history: 4th impressionist exhibition (3) | 2nd impressionist exhibition (3) | 1st impressionist exhibition (2) | 3rd impressionist exhibition (1)

Régates à Argenteuil

by Claude Monet (1872)
Argenteuil regatta boating landscape Seine sailing ship

La Seine à Champrosay

by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1876)
sky herb landscape Seine

Anchored Chasse-marée

by Claude Monet (1871s)
landscape Rouen Seine sailing ship

La Seine à Herblay

by Maximilien Luce (1890)
Seine Herblay broad-leaved tree landscape

The Railway Bridge at Argenteuil

by Claude Monet (1874)
Argenteuil Seine Pont d'Argenteuil bank sky broad-leaved tree house landscape bridge sailing ship

The Quai Saint-Michel and Notre-Dame

by Maximilien Luce (1901)
Notre-Dame de Paris quai Saint-Michel pont Saint-Michel blue sky Seine cathedral horse child book Paris landscape square bridge old age

Landscape. Vétheuil

by Claude Monet (1879)
tree bank field sky hill landscape Seine Vétheuil village

Passerelle d'Argenteuil

by Alfred Sisley (1872)
passerelle d'Argenteuil Seine Argenteuil lantern skyway landscape

The Seine at Vétheuil

by Claude Monet (1879s)
barque bank landscape Seine Vétheuil village

La Seine à Argenteuil

by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1873)
Argenteuil Seine boat landscape road

Boat in the Flood at Port-Marly

by Alfred Sisley (1876)
Seine tree barque flood Le Port-Marly house cloud landscape mirror image

Island of Saint-Denis

by Alfred Sisley (1872)
île Saint-Denis Seine blue sky tree barque island house Paris landscape mirror image

The Seine at Vétheuil, Sun Effect after Rain

by Claude Monet (1879)
tree bank hill house landscape Seine Vétheuil

Chalands sur la Seine

by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1869)
sky broad-leaved tree landscape péniche Seine

The Seine and Louvre

by Camille Pissarro (1903)
Seine Louvre Museum broad-leaved tree museum palace Paris péniche bridge

Banks of river Seine at Herblay

by Paul Signac (1889)
Seine Herblay tree mirror image landscape

Seine River Seen From Iéna Bridge

by Paul Gauguin (1875)
tree winter snow Paris landscape péniche bridge Seine

Le Bassin d'Argenteuil

by Claude Monet (1872)
Argenteuil tree sky man cloud landscape bridge Seine sailing ship

Floating Ice

by Claude Monet (1880)
tree river ice break-up ice winter landscape Seine Vétheuil

Quai des Grands-Augustins

by James Wilson Morrice (1904)
quai des Grands-Augustins échoppe broad-leaved tree Paris landscape Seine

Paris, l'écluse de la Monnaie. Soleil d'hiver

by Albert Lebourg (20th century)
écluse de la Monnaie Pont Neuf Notre-Dame de Paris Seine péniche mist house Paris bridge

Pont Boieldieu, Rouen, Sunset, Smoke

by Camille Pissarro (1896)
bridge port mist chimney landscape Rouen Seine factory

Les barques. Régates à Argenteuil

by Claude Monet (1874)
Argenteuil barque sky landscape regatta Seine sailing ship

The Seine in Argenteuil

by Claude Monet (1873)
Argenteuil bank broad-leaved tree landscape Seine

Arm of the Seine near Giverny

by Claude Monet (1897)
tree Giverny landscape Seine

Snow Effect in Vétheuil

by Claude Monet (1878s)
tree snow landscape Seine Vétheuil village

[no title]

by Alfred Sisley (1873)
tree boat Bougival canal lock broad-leaved tree house landscape Seine

Vétheuil Church

by Claude Monet (1879)
bank winter house snow landscape Seine Vétheuil

Notre-Dame Paris

by Jean-François Raffaëlli (1896)
Notre-Dame de Paris Seine blue sky


by Claude Monet (1872)
Carrières-sur-Seine Seine city/town broad-leaved tree specular reflection sky cloud landscape mirror image village

Voiliers à Argenteuil

by Gustave Caillebotte (1888s)
Argenteuil landscape Seine sailing ship

Bords de la Seine à Poissy

by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1889)
barque landscape péniche Seine

The Seine at Rouen, Saint-Sever

by Camille Pissarro (1896)
port Seine Rouen boat hill smoke landscape

Soleil couchant à Ivry

by Armand Guillaumin (1873)
Ivry-sur-Seine evening sunset Seine factory chimney smoke twilight sky shore broad-leaved tree tree landscape city

The Island of La Grande Jatte

by Alfred Sisley (1873)
sky broad-leaved tree island house Neuilly-sur-Seine landscape mirror image Seine

Les Bords du Loing

by Alfred Sisley (1878)
broad-leaved tree Île-de-France Loing house landscape péniche Seine

Terrace on the Banks of the Seine at Melun

by Henri Rouart (1880s)
woman broad-leaved tree Melun umbrella landscape Seine deck

The Railway Bridge at Argenteuil

by Claude Monet (1873)
Argenteuil railway bridge Seine deck train steam locomotive smoke shore grass broad-leaved tree sky cloud plant fence wattle tree bank landscape