genre: landscape art / collection: National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection / material used: oil paint / artist: Taliesin Williams

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] collection: National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection [remove filter] material used: oil paint [remove filter] artist: Taliesin Williams [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: oil painting (3)

depicts: landscape (2) | mountain (1) | waterfall (1)

location: National Library of Wales (3)

main subject: landscape (2) | waterfall (1)

Landscape, South Wales

oil painting
by Taliesin Williams (19th century)
mountain landscape

Landscape with waterfall, south Wales

oil painting
by Taliesin Williams (1840)

Landscape, South Wales

oil painting
by Taliesin Williams