genre: landscape art / country of origin: United Kingdom / artist: Longman

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2 artworks found

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instance of: print (2)

depicts: Rio de Janeiro (2) | landscape (2) | urban landscape (2) | sea (1) | architecture (1)

material used: paper (2) | burin (2)

collection: Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection (2) | Fundação Estudar collection (2) | Brasiliana Iconográfica (2)

part of: publication (2)

fabrication method: watercolor (2) | etching (2)

The Aqueduct in Rio de Janeiro (taken Dec.r 1792)

by William Alexander (1812)
Rio de Janeiro architecture landscape urban landscape

City of St. Sebastian Rio de Janeiro (Dec.r 1792)

by William Alexander (1812)
Rio de Janeiro landscape sea urban landscape