genre: landscape art / commissioned by: Carl Gustav Wedel-Jarlsberg / exhibition history: J.C. Dahl – The Power of Nature / artist: Johan Christian Dahl

Current filter – genre: landscape art [remove filter] commissioned by: Carl Gustav Wedel-Jarlsberg [remove filter] exhibition history: J.C. Dahl – The Power of Nature [remove filter] artist: Johan Christian Dahl [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

owned by: National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (1)

movement: Romanticism (1)

depicts: woman (1) | sky (1) | rainbow (1) | mountain (1) | bryophyte (1) | Betula pubescens (1) | Stalheim (1) | Cluster farm (1)

material used: oil paint (1) | canvas (1)

collection: National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (1)

location: National Gallery of Norway (1)

View from Stalheim

by Johan Christian Dahl (1842)
Stalheim mountain sky rainbow Betula pubescens bryophyte woman Cluster farm