genre: self-portrait / location of final assembly: Arles / depicts: Vincent van Gogh

Current filter – genre: self-portrait [remove filter] location of final assembly: Arles [remove filter] depicts: Vincent van Gogh [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

material used: oil paint (3) | canvas (3)

collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | private collection (1) | Courtauld Gallery (1)

location: Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | Courtauld Gallery (1)

part of: Self-Portrait With a Bandaged Ear (2)

country of origin: Netherlands (1)

Self-Portrait With a Bandaged Ear

by Vincent van Gogh (31 March 2005)
Vincent van Gogh bandage compress hat overcoat fur human pipe smoking smoke button gaze towards the viewer

Self-Portrait With a Bandaged Ear

by Vincent van Gogh (1889)
Vincent van Gogh bandage compress hat overcoat fur human button chambranle easel canvas studio painter


by Vincent van Gogh (1888)
Vincent van Gogh man