genre: self-portrait / location: Musée d'Orsay / depicts: Paris

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2 artworks found

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instance of: painting (2)

artist: Gustave Courbet (1) | Paul Cézanne (1)

material used: oil paint (2) | canvas (2)

collection: Louvre Museum (1)


by Paul Cézanne (1875s)
painter cathedral Paris art of painting Seine Paul Cézanne

The Painter's Studio

by Gustave Courbet (1855)
Gustave Courbet Ornans Alfred Bruyas Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Champfleury Charles Baudelaire man studio Paris woman dog Panthéon Lucien Simon Jeanne Simon François Aman-Jean Lucienne Boyer Maurice Brianchon Raymond Legueult reading book nudity Apollonie Sabatier