genre: cityscape / movement: pointillism / depicts: horse

Current filter – genre: cityscape [remove filter] movement: pointillism [remove filter] depicts: horse [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

owned by: Nazi Party (1) | Paul Cassirer (1) | Samuel von Fischer (1) | Gottfried Bermann (1) | Lucien Pissarro (1) | Hans W. Lange (1)

artist: Camille Pissarro (1)

material used: oil paint (1) | canvas (1)

collection: private collection (1)

exhibition history: Hermitage Foundation (1)

location of final assembly: Paris (1)

The Quai Malaquais and the Institute

by Camille Pissarro (1903)
quai Malaquais Seine Paris horse cart road river house tree