genre: religious art / depicts: man / main subject: arrest of Jesus

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6 artworks found

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instance of: painting (6)

owned by: Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria (1) | National Museum of Western Art (1)

movement: Baroque (3)

artist: Anthony van Dyck (3) | Pietro Lorenzetti (1) | Bartolomeo Manfredi (1) | Giuseppe Cesari (1)

material used: oil paint (5) | canvas (3) | fresco (1)

collection: Museo del Prado (1) | National Museum of Western Art (1) | Minneapolis Institute of Art (1) | Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel (1) | Lower Basilica of San Francesco (1) | Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery (1) | Cook collection (1)

location: Museo del Prado (1) | National Museum of Western Art (1) | Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (1) | Minneapolis Institute of Art (1) | Lower Basilica of San Francesco (1) | Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery (1)

Christ Taken Prisoner

by Giuseppe Cesari (1597)
man arrest of Jesus

The Betrayal of Christ (van Dyck, Madrid)

by Anthony van Dyck (1620)
Jesus Christ man

The Betrayal of Christ (van Dyck, Bristol)

by Anthony van Dyck (1620)
Jesus Christ man

The Betrayal of Christ

by Anthony van Dyck (1620)
Jesus Christ man

The Capture of Christ

by Pietro Lorenzetti (1310)
Jesus Christ man

Arrest of Christ

by Bartolomeo Manfredi (1615)
arrest of Jesus soldier man Jesus Christ