genre: religious art / location: Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp / depicts: cloud

Current filter – genre: religious art [remove filter] location: Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp [remove filter] depicts: cloud [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

movement: Flemish Primitives (3)

artist: Hans Memling (3)

material used: oil paint (3) | panel (3)

part of: Christ with singing and music-making Angels (3)

Music-making Angels

by Hans Memling (1480s)
cloud angel trumpet harp portative organ vielle

Christ with Singing Angels

by Hans Memling (1400s)
Jesus Christ angel singing globus cruciger crown cloud Salvator Mundi

Music-making Angels

by Hans Memling (1480s)
angel tromba marina lute shawm trumpet psaltery cloud