genre: religious art / location: Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp / main subject: Madonna and Child

Current filter – genre: religious art [remove filter] location: Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp [remove filter] main subject: Madonna and Child [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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instance of: painting (5)

commissioned by: Étienne Chevalier (1)

movement: Flemish Primitives (1)

artist: Jan van Eyck (1) | Jean Fouquet (1) | Dieric Bouts (1) | Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula (1) | Abraham de Rijcke (1)

depicts: Virgin Mary (2) | woman (2) | Child Jesus (2) | boy (1) | mother (1) | cherub (1) | seraph (1) | angel (1) | hortus conclusus (1)

material used: panel (3) | oil paint (2) | wood (1) | color (1)

collection: Flemish Art Collection (3)

part of: Melun Diptych (1)

exhibition history: Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (1) | Exposition des primitifs français (1)


by Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula (1486)


by Abraham de Rijcke (16th century)

Madonna at the Fountain

by Jan van Eyck (1439)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother hortus conclusus

Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels

by Jean Fouquet (1450s)
Child Jesus Virgin Mary angel woman cherub seraph


by Dieric Bouts (15th century)