genre: religious art / main subject: lamentation of Christ / location: Museum of Fine Arts

Current filter – genre: religious art [remove filter] main subject: lamentation of Christ [remove filter] location: Museum of Fine Arts [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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instance of: painting (5)

movement: mannerism (1)

artist: Lucas Cranach the Elder (1) | Rosso Fiorentino (1) | Carlo Crivelli (1) | Marco Basaiti (1) | Felice Riccio (1)

depicts: Jesus Christ (3) | man (2) | Virgin Mary (1) | woman (1) | long hair (1) | Mary Magdalena (1) | part (1) | Christ lamented by angels (1)

material used: oil paint (2) | panel (2) | tempera (1) | canvas (1)

The Dead Christ with Angels

by Rosso Fiorentino (1525)
Jesus Christ man

Lamentation over the Dead Christ

by Carlo Crivelli (1485)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man part

The Lamentation

by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1538)

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ

by Marco Basaiti

Dead Christ Mourned by Angels

by Felice Riccio
Christ lamented by angels lamentation of Christ Jesus Christ