published in: The Robert Lehman Collection, Volume XV: European and Asian Decorative Arts / material used: vitreous enamel / fabrication method: gilding

Current filter – published in: The Robert Lehman Collection, Volume XV: European and Asian Decorative Arts [remove filter] material used: vitreous enamel [remove filter] fabrication method: gilding [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: triptych (1) | painting (1)

owned by: Robert Lehman (1)

genre: religious art (1)

artist: Master of the Orléans Triptych (1)

collection: J. P. Morgan (1) | Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | Philip Lehman (1) | E. Vaïsse (1)

location: Metropolitan Museum of Art (1)

donated by: Robert Lehman (1)

Triptych: The Last Judgment

painting / triptych
by Master of the Orléans Triptych (1500)