artist: Hans Memling / collection: St. John's Hospital

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6 artworks found

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instance of: triptych (3) | painting (3) | cycle of paintings (3) | reredos (1) | diptych (1) | reliquary (1)

movement: Flemish Primitives (6)

genre: religious art (5) | portrait (1)

based on: Bride of Christ (1)

depicts: Virgin Mary (2) | Jesus Christ (1) | woman (1) | boy (1) | John the Baptist (1) | Catherine of Alexandria (1) | John the Evangelist (1) | Saint Ursula (1) | Persian Sibyl (1) | Child Jesus (1) | Coronation of the Virgin (1)

material used: oil paint (6) | panel (4) | wood (1) | oak (1)

exhibition history: Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (6) | Prayers and Portraits, Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych (1)

St John Altarpiece

triptych / reredos / cycle of paintings
by Hans Memling (1479)
Catherine of Alexandria Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary woman John the Baptist John the Evangelist

St. Ursula Shrine

painting / reliquary
by Hans Memling (1489)
Saint Ursula Coronation of the Virgin

Sibylla Sambetha

by Hans Memling (1480)
Persian Sibyl

Triptych of Adriaan Reins

triptych / cycle of paintings
by Hans Memling (1480)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary

Triptych of Jan Floreins

triptych / cycle of paintings
by Hans Memling (1479)

Diptych of Maarten Nieuwenhove

painting / diptych
by Hans Memling (1487)