artist: Nicolaes de Helt Stockade / collection: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Current filter – artist: Nicolaes de Helt Stockade [remove filter] collection: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection [remove filter]

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4 artworks found

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instance of: painting (4)

genre: portrait (3)

material used: oil paint (4) | canvas (4)

location: depot RCE (3) | Museum for Communication (1)

Portret van een man

by Nicolaes de Helt Stockade (17th century)

Elisabeth Robbé (overl. 1689). Echtgenote van Nicolaas Fagel

by Nicolaes de Helt Stockade (17th century)

Nicolaas Fagel (1620-1695)

by Nicolaes de Helt Stockade (17th century)

Portret van een vrouw

by Nicolaes de Helt Stockade (17th century)