artist: Carlo Crivelli / location: Bonnefanten Museum

Current filter – artist: Carlo Crivelli [remove filter] location: Bonnefanten Museum [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

genre: religious art (3)

depicts: Ambrose (1)

collection: Instituut Collectie Nederland (3) | Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection (3) | Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties (3) | Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit (3) | Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst (3)

De heilige Dominicus

by Carlo Crivelli (15th century)

De heilige Ambrosius

by Carlo Crivelli (15th century)

De heilige Antonius van Padua

by Carlo Crivelli (15th century)