artist: Adriaen Isenbrandt / genre: portrait

Current filter – artist: Adriaen Isenbrandt [remove filter] genre: portrait [remove filter]

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4 artworks found

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instance of: painting (4) | triptych (1)

owned by: Michael Friedsam (1)

depicts: Virgin Mary (1) | woman (1) | man (1) | God the Father (1)

material used: wood (2) | tempera (2) | oil paint (2) | panel (1) | oak (1)

collection: National Museum in Warsaw (2) | Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | Groeningemuseum (1) | Flemish Art Collection (1)

location: National Museum in Warsaw (1) | Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | museum's storage space (1) | Groeningemuseum (1)

Portret kobiety

by Adriaen Isenbrandt (1520s)

Portrait of Paulus de Nigro

by Adriaen Isenbrandt (1518)

Tryptyk Niepokalanego Poczęcia

triptych / painting
by Adriaen Isenbrandt (1530)
Virgin Mary God the Father

Man Weighing Gold

by Adriaen Isenbrandt (1515)