artist: Paul Gauguin / genre: portrait / collection: Baltimore Museum of Art

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2 artworks found

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instance of: painting (2)

owned by: Edgar Degas (1) | Paul Rosenberg (1)

movement: Post-Impressionism (1)

depicts: mango (1) | woman (1) | Frédéric Guillaume Schneklüd (1)

material used: oil paint (2) | canvas (1) | canvas (1)

main subject: Frédéric Guillaume Schneklüd (1)

donated by: Cone sisters (1)

location of final assembly: Tahiti (1)

Woman of the Mango

by Paul Gauguin (1892)
mango woman

The Player Schneklud

by Paul Gauguin (1894)
Frédéric Guillaume Schneklüd