artist: anonymous / movement: Romanesque art / depicts: tunic

Current filter – artist: anonymous [remove filter] movement: Romanesque art [remove filter] depicts: tunic [remove filter]

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6 artworks found

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instance of: sculpture (4) | sculpture capital (2)

genre: religious sculpture (6)

material used: stone (6)

collection: Musée des Augustins (6)

location: Salle romane (5) | None (1)

Apôtres indéterminés

by anonymous (13rd century)
apostle pier aureola beard shoe head hair Twelve Apostles man James lower leg John the Apostle book overcoat tunic

Apôtres indéterminés ME 24

by anonymous (13rd century)
apostle pier aureola Twelve Apostles book tunic scroll


sculpture capital
by anonymous (1120s)
Feast of the Ascension angel aureola embroidery Christian cross Twelve Apostles Jesus Christ overcoat Virgin Mary cloud tunic

Saint Jacques le Mineur

by anonymous (13rd century)
apostle James pier aureola beard shoe column Christian cross James, son of Alphaeus overcoat bird trunk tunic

Daniel dans la fosse aux lions

sculpture capital
by anonymous (13rd century)
Daniel lion beard bonnet shoe limb orans tunic volute

Apôtre indéterminé

by anonymous (13rd century)
apostle pier aureola beard ram shoe head hair Twelve Apostles man lower leg book overcoat tunic