artist: Nicolaas Baur / location: Rijksmuseum

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7 artworks found

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instance of: painting (7)

genre: landscape art (1)

depicts: boat (5) | Bombardment of Algiers (1816) (3) | Oldehove (1) | kortebaanschaatsen (1) | ice skater (1)

material used: oil paint (7) | wood (4) | canvas (3)

collection: Mauritshuis (1)

Four moments by the English-Dutch Fleet in the Bay of Algiers, 26-27 August 1816

by Nicolaas Baur (1818)
Bombardment of Algiers (1816) boat

The fire on the Wharves of Algiers, shortly after the commencement of the Bombardment by the Anglo-Dutch Fleet, 27 August 1816

by Nicolaas Baur (19th century)
Bombardment of Algiers (1816) boat

Council of War on board the 'Queen Charlotte', commanded by Lord Exmouth, prior to the Bombardment of Algiers, 26 August 1816

by Nicolaas Baur (1818)

The Navy's Man-of-War 'Amsterdam'off the Westerlaag on Y at Amsterdam

by Nicolaas Baur (1807)

Women’s Skating Competition on the Stadsgracht in Leeuwarden, 21 January 1809

by Nicolaas Baur (1809)
kortebaanschaatsen Oldehove ice skater

The Navy's Frigate 'Rotterdam' on the Maas off Rotterdam

by Nicolaas Baur (1807)

The Anglo-Dutch Fleet under Lord Exmouth and Vice Admiral Jonkheer Theodorus Frederik van Capellen putting out the Algerian Strongholds, 27 August 1816

by Nicolaas Baur (1818)
Bombardment of Algiers (1816) boat