artist: Barnaba da Modena / instance of: painting

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5 artworks found

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genre: religious art (4)

depicts: Virgin Mary (1) | breastfeeding (1) | Child Jesus (1)

material used: tempera (2) | wood (1) | panel (1)

collection: Museum of Fine Arts (1) | Städel Museum (1) | Indianapolis Museum of Art (1) | Yale University Art Gallery (1) | Department of Paintings of the Louvre (1)

location: Museum of Fine Arts (1) | Städel Museum (1) | Indianapolis Museum of Art (1) | Yale University Art Gallery (1) | Room 709 (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (3) | crucifixion of Jesus (1)

Virgin and Child

by Barnaba da Modena (1360s)

Madonna and Child

by Barnaba da Modena (1370s)
breastfeeding Virgin Mary Child Jesus

Mourning Virgin

by Barnaba da Modena (1370)

Madonna and Child

by Barnaba da Modena (1367)


by Barnaba da Modena (1375)