part of the series: L'Équipe de Cardiff / genre: sport art

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2 artworks found

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instance of: painting (2)

artist: Robert Delaunay (2)

depicts: Eiffel Tower (2) | rugby (2) | ferris wheel (2) | athlete (2) | rugby ball (2) | sport (1) | advertising (1) | biplane (1) | sports competition (1)

material used: oil paint (2) | canvas (2)

collection: Bavarian State Painting Collections (1) | Van Abbemuseum (1)

location: Pinakothek der Moderne (1) | Van Abbemuseum (1)

exhibition history: Apollinaire critique d'art (1)

L'Équipe de Cardiff

by Robert Delaunay (1913)
sport rugby athlete rugby ball advertising Eiffel Tower ferris wheel biplane

L'Équipe de Cardiff

by Robert Delaunay (1913)
rugby rugby ball athlete sports competition ferris wheel Eiffel Tower