depicts: nudity / genre: genre art / owned by: France

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8 artworks found

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instance of: painting (8)

movement: Symbolism (1) | Post-Impressionism (1)

based on: Rolla (1)

artist: Edgar Degas (3) | Paul Cézanne (2) | Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1) | Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1) | Henri Gervex (1)

part of the series: Baigneuses (Bathers) (2)

material used: oil paint (5) | canvas (5) | pastel (3) | paper (2) | cardboard (2)

collection: Musée d'Orsay (8) | Department of Paintings of the Louvre (6) | Luxembourg Museum (2) | Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre (1)

location: Musée d'Orsay (7) | Louvre Museum (1) | Galerie nationale du Jeu de paume (1) | Bordeaux Beaux-arts museum (1) | Louvre Palace (1) | Luxembourg Museum (1)

exhibition history: 8th impressionist exhibition (2) | Salon d'Automne (1) | Renoir (1) | Salon of 1881 (1) | Salon of 1878 (1)

main subject: washing (3)

location of final assembly: Cagnes-sur-Mer (1)

fabrication method: monotyping (1)


by Henri Gervex (1878)
bedroom couple man woman clothed male, naked female nudity standing lying sleep canopy bed bed sheet pillow footboard fauteuil nightstand bedside lamp lampshade bijou clothing top hat cane drapery wall window railing trousers dress shirt moustache brown hair chestnut hair long hair morning sunrise multi-storey urban building sky petticoat garter corset courtesan prostitute glabrousness umbilicus mons pubis bed sadness

Femme se coiffant

by Edgar Degas (1887)
woman nudity sitting chestnut hair long hair high-angle shot washing hairstyle comb petticoat couch

The Poor Fisherman

by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1881)
man woman child fisher prayer genuflection nudity sleep flower poverty barque bank watercourse oar beard kneeling gathering sky cloud None fishing net Honfleur fishing littoral zone

Femme dans son bain s'épongeant la jambe

by Edgar Degas (1883)
bathing washing woman bathtub chignon profil perdu chestnut hair sponge nudity back sitting No. 14 chair clothing window curtain commode

The Bathers

by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1918)
woman lying nude swimming nudity watercourse shore tree herb sky drapery straw hat Catherine Hessling grass umbilicus glabrousness mons pubis bathing hat broad-leaved tree river

Les Baigneurs

by Paul Cézanne (1890)
bathing man nudity swimsuit standing sitting back broad-leaved tree tree rural area sky cloud watercourse shore towel brown hair

The Tub

by Edgar Degas (1886)
woman nudity squatting position long hair back red hair bathtub washing hairbrush flagon sponge basin high-angle shot chignon table crock

Trois Baigneuses

by Paul Cézanne (1874)
woman nudity nude swimming long hair brown hair standing sitting kneeling back umbilicus breast tree poplar sky watercourse shore broad-leaved tree bathing