depicts: Jesus Christ / genre: religious art / collection: Cordoba Fine Arts Museum

Current filter – depicts: Jesus Christ [remove filter] genre: religious art [remove filter] collection: Cordoba Fine Arts Museum [remove filter]

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5 artworks found

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instance of: painting (5)

movement: mannerism (1)

artist: anonymous (3) | Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra (1) | Antonio Mohedano (1)

material used: oil paint (4) | canvas (3) | stucco (1) | tempera (1) | panel (1)

country of origin: Spain (3)

main subject: crucifixion of Jesus (1) | Pietà (1) | Flagellation of Christ (1)

Busto de Jesús

by Antonio Mohedano (1600)
Jesus Christ


by anonymous (18th century)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ John the Apostle cherub

Flagellation of Christ

by anonymous (2nd millennium)
Jesus Christ

Jesús Nazareno

by anonymous (1650)
Jesus Christ

Crucifixion of Christ with Mary and John

by Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra (1649)
Jesus Christ crucifixion of Jesus Virgin Mary John the Apostle