depicts: Jesus Christ / material used: canvas / instance of: painting / collection: Museo del Prado

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15 artworks found

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movement: High Renaissance (2) | Baroque (1) | Venetian school (1)

genre: religious art (14) | genre art (1)

artist: Raphael (2) | Anthony van Dyck (2) | Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (2) | Alonso Cano (2) | Diego Velázquez (1) | El Greco (1) | Antonio da Correggio (1) | Titian (1) | Giulio Romano (1) | Alessandro Magnasco (1) | Gianfrancesco Penni (1) | Antonio Fillol Granell (1) | Cornelis Schut III (1)

location: Museo Provincial de Lugo (1)

country of origin: Spain (3) | Italy (2)

exhibition history: El Siglo de Oro. The Age of Velázquez (1)

main subject: crucifixion of Jesus (2) | Christ carrying the cross (2) | arrest of Jesus (1) | entombment of Christ (1) | Noli me tangere (1) | Holy Family (1) | Visitation (1) | Crowning with Thorns (1)

Christ attended by Angels

by Alessandro Magnasco (18th century)
Jesus Christ angel

The Holy Family with a Bird

by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1650s)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary Joseph

The Entombment

by Titian (1559)
Jesus Christ man

The Betrayal of Christ (van Dyck, Madrid)

by Anthony van Dyck (1620)
Jesus Christ man

Cristo atado a la Columna

by Cornelis Schut III (1665)
Jesus Christ

Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary

by Raphael (1516)
Jesus Christ man

The dead Christ held by an angel

by Alonso Cano (17th century)
Jesus Christ angel

Crucifixion of Christ

by Diego Velázquez (1631)
Jesus Christ man

The Crown of Thorns

by Anthony van Dyck (1620)
crown of thorns Jesus Christ

The dead Christ supported by an Angel

by Alonso Cano (17th century)
Jesus Christ angel

The Friends of Jesus

by Antonio Fillol Granell (1900)
Jesus Christ fisher fishing net man woman child shadow

Christ Holding the Cross

by El Greco (1597)
religious painting Jesus Christ True Cross


by Raphael (1518)
Virgin Mary woman Elizabeth God the Father Jordan River Jesus Christ John the Baptist sandal human pregnancy Visitation

Christ crucified

by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1677s)
Jesus Christ crucifixion of Jesus human skull

Noli me tangere

by Antonio da Correggio (1523)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Jesus Christ man male toplessness clothed female, naked male barefoot blond chestnut hair kneeling standing umbilicus dress sandal tree beard sky hoe cloud