depicts: Jesus Christ / collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre / location: Room 834 / genre: religious art

Current filter – depicts: Jesus Christ [remove filter] collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre [remove filter] location: Room 834 [remove filter] genre: religious art [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3) | reredos (1)

commissioned by: Philip the Bold (1)

artist: Jean Malouel (3) | Henri Bellechose (1)

material used: gold (2) | wood (1) | tempera (1) | panel (1) | oak (1) | canvas (1)

exhibition history: Exposition des primitifs français (2)

main subject: crucifixion of Jesus (1) | Pietà (1)

Large Round Pietà

by Jean Malouel (1400)
Jesus Christ John the Apostle God angel

Pietà with Saint John Evangelist and Two Angels

by Jean Malouel (1400s)
Jesus Christ John the Apostle God angel Virgin Mary

Saint Denis Altarpiece

painting / reredos
by Jean Malouel (1416)
Jesus Christ man God the Father Saint Denis martyr decapitation angel Eucharist