depicts: Jesus Christ / location: museum's storage space / genre: religious art / material used: canvas

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17 artworks found

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instance of: painting (17)

based on: The Entombment (1) | Raising of the son of the widow of Nain (1)

artist: Konrad Krzyżanowski (1) | Gerard van Honthorst (1) | Luca Giordano (1) | Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1) | Wenceslas Cobergher (1) | Sébastien Bourdon (1) | Michael Willmann (1) | Franciszek Smuglewicz (1) | Jean Jouvenet (1) | Francesco Vanni (1) | Frans Francken the Younger (1) | anonymous (1) | Wilhelm Kotarbiński (1) | Jan Wydra (1) | Władysław Wankie (1) | Jan Żyznowski (1) | Matthias Kargen (1)

collection: National Museum in Warsaw (17)

main subject: Last Supper (2) | Flagellation of Christ (2) | crucifixion of Jesus (1) | entombment of Christ (1) | Pietà (1) | Raising of Lazarus (1) | Doubting Thomas (1) | Descent from the Cross (1)


by Jan Żyznowski (1920)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

The Raising of Lazarus

by Jan Wydra (1930s)
Lazarus of Bethany Jesus Christ


by Jean Jouvenet (1700s)
Jesus Christ Last Supper apostle oil lamp

Christ on the Cross

by Władysław Wankie (1902)
Jesus Christ crucifixion

Mocking of Christ

by Frans Francken the Younger (1630s)
Jesus Christ

Christ at the column

by anonymous (17th century)
Jesus Christ column

Christ meets Mary on the way of the cross

by Francesco Vanni (1596)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary

Christ as a gardener and Mary Magdalene

by Wenceslas Cobergher (17th century)
Jesus Christ Mary Magdalena garden shovel hat

Meeting with the wenches of Jerusalem

by Michael Willmann (1672s)
Jesus Christ woman crying crown of thorns

The Entombment

by Konrad Krzyżanowski (1912)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary Mary Magdalena

Christ at the column

by Gerard van Honthorst (1640s)
Jesus Christ man Flagrum

The Communion of the Apostles

by Luca Giordano (1659)
Jesus Christ Eucharist apostle

The Last Supper

by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1750)
Last Supper Jesus Christ apostle domestic worker dog supper

The Descent from the Cross

by Sébastien Bourdon (17th century)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary Mary Magdalena Joseph of Arimathea putto John the Evangelist True Cross

The Resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain

by Wilhelm Kotarbiński (1879)
Jesus Christ group of humans cadaver

Doubting Thomas

by Franciszek Smuglewicz (1800)
Jesus Christ Thomas the Apostle apostle

Stigmatization of St. Francis

by Matthias Kargen (1664)
Francis of Assisi stigmata angel Jesus Christ Lamb of God