depicts: Jesus Christ / country of origin: Italy / instance of: painting

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43 artworks found

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commissioned by: Gregorio Correr (1)

owned by: Birmingham Museum of Art (4) | Robert Lehman (2) | Benjamin Altman (1) | Jules Bache (1)

movement: Italian Renaissance (3) | Early Renaissance (3) | High Renaissance (1) | Renaissance art (1)

genre: religious art (40) | Christian art (4)

based on: Gospel of John (1) | crucifixion of Jesus (1) | Harrowing of Hell (1)

artist: Girolamo Romanino (6) | Luca Signorelli (5) | Piero della Francesca (3) | Domenico di Pace Beccafumi (3) | anonymous (3) | Goodhart Master (3) | Pietro Perugino (2) | Master of the Magdalen (2) | Antonello da Messina (1) | Raphael (1) | Andrea Mantegna (1) | Masaccio (1) | Antonio da Correggio (1) | Domenico Ghirlandaio (1) | Francesco Albani (1) | Francesco Solimena (1) | Sano di Pietro (1) | Master of the Straus Madonna (1)

material used: tempera (21) | wood (16) | oil paint (16) | canvas (10) | panel (9) | gold leaf (7) | poplar wood (2) | paper (1)

collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art (8) | National Museum in Warsaw (4) | Birmingham Museum of Art (4) | Department of Paintings of the Louvre (4) | Museo del Prado (3) | Pinacoteca Nazionale (3) | private collection (2) | Diocesan Museum in Cortona (2) | Robert Lehman (2) | Uffizi Gallery (2) | Bode Museum (1) | National Gallery (1) | National Gallery of Art (1) | Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte (1) | William Douglas-Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton (1) | William Hamilton, 11th Duke of Hamilton (1) | William Thomas Beckford (1) | Museo Civico di Sansepolcro (1)

location: Metropolitan Museum of Art (8) | Birmingham Museum of Art (4) | National Museum in Warsaw (3) | Museo del Prado (3) | Pinacoteca Nazionale (3) | Diocesan Museum in Cortona (2) | Room 710 (2) | Uffizi (1) | Bode Museum (1) | National Gallery (1) | National Gallery of Art (1) | Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte (1) | Museo Civico di Sansepolcro (1) | The Frick Collection (1) | Palazzo Ducale (1) | warehouse (1) | Tosio Martinengo Gallery (1) | Church of Saints Faustinus and Jovita (1)

part of: predella (1) | San Zeno Altarpiece (1) | Pisa Polyptych (1) | polyptych of Saint Augustine (1) | Scenes from the Life of Saint Jerome (1)

exhibition history: Florentine Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum (3) | Sienese and Florentine Wood Panels (1) | Renaissance Paintings (1) | Winter Exhibition (1) | Mostra Giottesca (1) | The Bache Collection (1) | Gerard David: Flanders's Last Medieval Master (1) | Venetian Art (1) | Venetian Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum (1) | The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections (1) | Art in Renaissance Venice, 1400–1515: Paintings and Drawings from the Museum's Collections (1) | Exhibition of Paintings of French, Italian, Dutch, Flemish and German Masters, lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | Passion in Venice: Crivelli to Tintoretto and Veronese (1) | Art Treasures of the Metropolitan (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (7) | crucifixion of Jesus (6) | Christ carrying the cross (3) | Noli me tangere (2) | lamentation of Christ (2) | Christianity (1) | Nativity of Jesus (1) | entombment of Christ (1) | Annunciation (1) | Baptism of Jesus (1) | Ecce Homo (1) | Coronation of the Virgin (1) | Flagellation of Christ (1)

donated by: Benjamin Altman (1) | Robert Lehman (1) | George Blumenthal (1) | Revell McCallum (1) | Irma N. Straus (1)

location of final assembly: Florence (2) | Venice (1)

published in: European Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Artists Born before 1865: A Summary Catalogue (8) | A Concise Catalogue of the European Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (4) | Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 1, Florentine School/ (3) | The Robert Lehman Collection. Vol. 1, Italian Paintings (2) | Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (1) | Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 4, North Italian School (1) | Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 3, Sienese and Central Italian Schools (1) | The Unicorn Tapestries (1) | Italian Renaissance Frames (1) | Italian Paintings: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 2, Venetian School (1)

Madonna Del Latte

by Bartolomeo D'Agnolo (1450)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Madonna and Christ Child

by Lorenzo Veneziano (1370)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary Rosa woman baby boy Nimbus robe

Madonna and Child

by Master of the Magdalen (1280)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Crucifixion of Christ

by Luca Signorelli (1502)
Virgin Mary woman Jesus Christ man

Communion of the Apostles (Signorelli)

by Luca Signorelli (1512)
Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Child

by Girolamo Romanino (1507)
Jesus Christ laurel tree Passion symbol None Virgin Mary Child Jesus

St Jerome Dreams He is Whipped on Christ's Order

by Sano di Pietro (15th century)
whip Jesus Christ sett portico sitting torture throne Jerome

Madonna and Child

by anonymous (1470)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Ecce Homo

by Francesco Solimena (18th century)
Jesus Christ crown of thorns

Galitzin triptych

painting / triptych
by Pietro Perugino (1481)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Child with the Annunciation and the Nativity

by Goodhart Master (1310)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Imago Pietatis

by Master of the Straus Madonna (1405)
Jesus Christ

Dinner in the House of Simon the Pharisee

by Girolamo Romanino (1545)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Jesus Christ man


altarpiece / painting
by Andrea Mantegna (1457s)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Christ Child with Infant Saint John the Baptist and Three Angels

painting / tondo
by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1485)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ John the Baptist angel baby boy woman White people flower cape

Communion of the Apostles

by Giuseppe Amatore (1575)
Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Donors

by Goodhart Master (1315)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Mass of Saint Apollonio

by Girolamo Romanino (1535)
Jesus Christ man

Lamentation of Christ

by Pasqualino di Niccolò (1490s)
Jesus Christ

Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary

by Raphael (1516)
Jesus Christ man

The Coronation of the Virgin

by Domenico di Pace Beccafumi (1539)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man

The Entombment

by Master of Forlì (15th century)
Jesus Christ

Christ carrying the cross

by Niccolò Frangipane (1570s)
Jesus Christ

Lamentation over the dead Christ

by Luca Signorelli (1502)
Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Child Enthroned

by Master of the Magdalen (14th century)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ

Madonna and Christ Child

by Agnolo di Domenico del Mazziere (1490s)
Jesus Christ Virgin Mary halo

Pala di san Domenico

by Girolamo Romanino (1545)
Virgin Mary woman Jesus Christ man Saint Dominic

Crucifixion of Christ with saints

by Pietro Perugino (1483)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Jesus Christ man

Christ carrying the cross

by Girolamo Romanino (1540)
Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Child

by anonymous (1510)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ tree

Noli me tangere

by Francesco Albani (1620)
Jesus Christ Mary Magdalena

Flagellation of Christ

by Piero della Francesca (1456)
Jesus Christ man

Madonna and Christ Child with a Bishop Saint, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Michael and an Unidentified Saint

painting / reredos
by Goodhart Master (1320)
Virgin Mary Jesus Christ baby woman White people Arabs John the Baptist saint bishop Michael the Archangel man robe


by Domenico di Pace Beccafumi (1513)
Jesus Christ man

The Crucifixion

by Piero della Francesca (1454)
Virgin Mary woman Jesus Christ man

The Life of Christ

by anonymous (16th century)
Jesus Christ

The Baptism of Christ

by Piero della Francesca (1448)
Jesus Christ John the Baptist Baptism of Jesus

Crucifixion with Mary Magdalen

by Luca Signorelli (1502)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Jesus Christ man crucifixion of Jesus

Deposition of Christ

by Girolamo Romanino (1520)
Jesus Christ man

The Descent of Christ into Limbo

by Domenico di Pace Beccafumi (1530)
Jesus Christ man

The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel

by Antonello da Messina (1475)
Jesus Christ angel man


by Masaccio (1426)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Virgin Mary Jesus Christ man aureola

Noli me tangere

by Antonio da Correggio (1523)
Mary Magdalena woman long hair Jesus Christ man male toplessness clothed female, naked male barefoot blond chestnut hair kneeling standing umbilicus dress sandal tree beard sky hoe cloud