depicts: woman / part of the series: 婦女人相十品 / genre: Bijinga

Current filter – depicts: woman [remove filter] part of the series: 婦女人相十品 [remove filter] genre: Bijinga [remove filter]

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2 artworks found

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instance of: woodcut print (2)

artist: Kitagawa Utamaro (2)

material used: paper (1) | ink (1)

collection: Museum of Fine Arts (1) | Bilbao Fine Arts Museum (1) | Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | Asian Art (1)

location: Bilbao Fine Arts Museum (1)

Young lady blowing on a poppin

woodcut print
by Kitagawa Utamaro (1790s)
Bijin woman

Fumi Yomu Onna

woodcut print
by Kitagawa Utamaro (19th century)
woman reading kimono