depicts: woman / material used: canvas / published in: The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches

Current filter – depicts: woman [remove filter] material used: canvas [remove filter] published in: The Complete Van Gogh: Paintings, Drawings, Sketches [remove filter]

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2 artworks found

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instance of: painting (2)

owned by: Metropolitan Museum of Art (2) | Vincent van Gogh (1) | Auguste Pellerin (1) | Galerie Charpentier (1) | Adelaide Milton de Groot (1) | Amédée Schuffenecker (1) | Levy-Hermanos (1) | Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Hays (1)

genre: genre art (2)

artist: Vincent van Gogh (2)

collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art (2)

location: Metropolitan Museum of Art (2)

exhibition history: Vincent van Gogh Exposition (1) | Vincent van Gogh Retrospective Exhibition (1) | International Exhibition of Art and Horticulture (1) | Gauguin, his friends: the Pont-Aven School and the Julian Academy (1) | The Art and Life of Vincent van Gogh (1) | Van Gogh (1) | Vincent van Gogh (1) | Van Gogh and Expressionism (1) | The Masterpieces of French Painting from The Metropolitan Museum of Art: 1800–1920 (1) | Van Gogh as Critic and Self-Critic (1) | Vincent van Gogh: The Drawings (1)

main subject: cooking (1) | food preparation (1)

donated by: Adelaide Milton de Groot (1)

location of final assembly: Nuenen (2)

The Potato Peeler

by Vincent van Gogh (1885)
woman peeler potato

Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace

by Vincent van Gogh (1885)
woman White people cooking fire pancake