depicts: woman / collection: Rijksmuseum / artist: Frans Pourbus the Younger

Current filter – depicts: woman [remove filter] collection: Rijksmuseum [remove filter] artist: Frans Pourbus the Younger [remove filter]

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

genre: portrait (3)

material used: oil paint (3) | copper (2) | canvas (1)

Margaret of Austria, Consort of Philip III

by Frans Pourbus the Younger (1600)
Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain woman

Marie de Medicis, Consort of Henry IV, King of France

by Frans Pourbus the Younger (2nd millennium)
Marie de' Medici woman

Isabella Clara Eugenia, Consort of Archduke Albert VII

by Frans Pourbus the Younger (1600)
Isabella Clara Eugenia woman