depicts: woman / collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre / artist: Jacques-Louis David

Current filter – depicts: woman [remove filter] collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre [remove filter] artist: Jacques-Louis David [remove filter]

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14 artworks found

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instance of: painting (14) | unfinished creative work (1)

commissioned by: Napoleon (1) | Louis XVI of France (1)

owned by: France (3) | Eugène Delacroix (1) | Carlos de Beistegui (1) | Henriette de Verninac (1) | Charles de Verninac (1)

movement: neoclassicism (9)

genre: portrait (6) | history painting (4) | half-length portrait (3) | three-quarter portait (2) | group portrait (1) | full-frontal portrait (1) | interior view (1)

based on: Horatii (1) | Rape of the Sabine Women (1) | Ab urbe condita libri (1)

material used: oil paint (14) | canvas (13) | wood (1) | stretcher (1)

location: Room 702 (7) | Room 935 (4) | in Painting's depot of the Musée du Louvre or in temporary movement (3) | Sacre Hall (1) | Room 660 (1)

country of origin: France (1)

exhibition history: Salon of 1808 (2) | Salon of 1785 (2) | Salon of 1789 (1) | Salon of 1791 (1) | Salon of 1795 (1)

main subject: coronation of Napoleon I (1)

location of final assembly: Rome (1)

Bélisaire demandant l'aumone

by Jacques-Louis David (1784)
Belisarius blindness child woman soldier city

Portrait of Madame Récamier

painting / unfinished creative work
by Jacques-Louis David (1800)
Juliette Récamier couch cushion footstool candelabra dress Incroyables and Merveilleuses 1795–1820 clothing woman

Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Mongez

by Jacques-Louis David (1812)
man painter book woman dress hairstyle

Portrait of Émilie Sériziat and Her Son

by Jacques-Louis David (1795)
Émilie Sériziat 1795–1820 clothing woman sitting dress bouquet hat chestnut hair smile boy blond

Portrait of Madame de Verninac

by Jacques-Louis David (1799)
Henriette de Verninac chair dress wall scarf Incroyables and Merveilleuses black hair 1795–1820 clothing woman part long hair chignon décolletage

Portrait of the Marquise d'Orvilliers

by Jacques-Louis David (1790)

Catherine-Marie-Jeanne Tallard

by Jacques-Louis David (1795)
woman coif

Portrait of Madame Marie-Louise Trudaine

by Jacques-Louis David (1791)

The Coronation of Napoleon

by Jacques-Louis David (21 December 1805)
Napoleon coronation Joséphine de Beauharnais Letizia Ramallo Louis Bonaparte Joseph Buonaparte Napoleon Charles Bonaparte Elisa Bonaparte Pauline Bonaparte Caroline Bonaparte Charles-François Lebrun, duc de Plaisance Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès Louis-Alexandre Berthier Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord Joachim Murat Pius VII Jacques-Louis David Notre-Dame de Paris Regalia sceptre crown laurel wreath drapery 1795–1820 clothing man woman Hortense de Beauharnais Julie Clary Géraud Duroc Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon François Joseph Lefebvre Jean-Andoche Junot Auguste Laurent de Rémusat François Christophe de Kellermann Jean-Baptiste de Belloy Louis-Philippe de Ségur Émilie de Beauharnais Adélaïde de La Rochefoucauld Jean-Baptiste Bessières Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier Louis-Auguste Juvénal des Ursins d'Harville Martin-Roch-Xavier Estève Carlo Francesco Maria Caselli Raphaël de Monachis Giovanni Battista Caprara Montecuccoli Federico Carlos Gravina y Nápoli Philipp von Cobenzl John Armstrong Halet Efendi Ferdinando Marescalchi Charles XIV John of Sweden Auguste-Jean-Gabriel de Caulaincourt Eugène de Beauharnais Gary Glitter Romoaldo Braschi-Onesti Hercule-Ferdinand Laville de Villa Stellone Marc Antoine de Beaumont Joseph-Marie Vien André Grétry Ignazio Degotti

Portrait of Madame Charles-Pierre Pecoul

by Jacques-Louis David (1784)
woman table coif hairstyle dress Geneviève Jacqueline Pecoul

The Oath of the Horatii

by Jacques-Louis David (1784)
Publius Horatius oath Horatia gens clothing in ancient Rome man sandal tunic spear sword galea paludamentum beard white hair woman brown hair blond sitting dress veil child arcade crying mourning sorrow Roman salute elderly brick seat vanishing point family mother pain sword spear clothing Horace

The Intervention of the Sabine Women

by Jacques-Louis David (1798)
Romulus Titus Tatius Sabines Rape of the Sabine Women man combat spear shield combat helmet fortification War trophy nudity child toddler horse woman hero temperance clothed male, naked female ancient Rome

Portrait of Juliette de Villeneuve by David

by Jacques-Louis David (1824)
hat woman harp musician partitur stripe

The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons

by Jacques-Louis David (1789)
Lucius Junius Brutus man Marcus Junius Brutus woman maternal bond child drapery table seat litière portico statue