depicts: horse / commissioned by: Joaquim Inácio Ramalho / instance of: painting

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1 artworks found

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movement: Brazilian academic art (1) | Brazilian nationalism (1)

genre: history painting (1)

artist: Pedro Américo (1)

material used: oil paint (1) | canvas (1)

collection: Paulista Museum Fund Collection (1) | Museu Paulista collection (1)

location: Museu Paulista (1) | Academy of Fine Arts, Florence (1)

country of origin: Brazil (1)

main subject: Independence of Brazil (1)

location of final assembly: Florence (1)

fabrication method: oil painting (1)

Independence or Death

by Pedro Américo (1888)
Pedro I soldier horse equestrianism sabre bullock cart house Ipiranga Brook Independence of Brazil cart plant wattle and daub man folk costume military uniform military shorts shirt coat costume accessory hat weapon sword cattle history painting shack military personnel mode of transport