depicts: man / collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre / movement: Dutch Golden Age painting

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8 artworks found

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instance of: painting (8) | artwork copy (1)

owned by: William V (3) | William I of the Netherlands (2) | Govert van Slingelandt (2) | Mauritshuis (1) | William IV, Prince of Orange (1) | Willem Lormier (1)

genre: genre art (3) | portrait (2) | self-portrait (2) | animal painting (1)

artist: Rembrandt (5) | Jan Steen (1) | Adriaen van Ostade (1) | Paulus Potter (1) | Jan Gillisz van Vliet (1) | anonymous (1)

material used: oil paint (8) | wood (3) | canvas (3)

location: Mauritshuis (5) | Louvre Museum (2) | Room 845 (2) | Paris (1)

Philosopher in Meditation

by Rembrandt (1632)
man woman stairs window hearth door table book spiral staircase

Self-portrait with easel

by Rembrandt (1660)
painter palette paint brush easel Rembrandt man

The Bull

by Paulus Potter (1647)
bull cow man pasture domestic sheep oak willow sky frog cloud rural area grazing herder elderly beard handlebar moustache white hair standing pasture trunk leaf acorn Oude Kerk (Rijswijk)

Revelry at an Inn

by Jan Steen (1674)
party inn man woman child table chair standing sitting ball dance meals musical group bagpipes violin flute singing sackbut barrel dog tableware crock stairs balcony groin vault window tree painting birdcage coif hat bucket

Peasants in an inn

by Adriaen van Ostade (1662)
peasant inn man woman child dog sitting standing table chair stool food drink violin arch wall window fireplace ceiling


by Rembrandt (1669)
Rembrandt man

Portrait of Rembrandt with a gorget

painting / artwork copy
by Rembrandt (1629)
Rembrandt gorget collar long hair smile man

Portrait of a man in a plumed hat

by Rembrandt (1635)
man hat ostrich plume earring gorget handlebar moustache Soul patch blond rosacea