material used: silver / artist: Louis-Oscar Roty

Current filter – material used: silver [remove filter] artist: Louis-Oscar Roty [remove filter]

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4 artworks found

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instance of: work of art (4) | sculpture (4)

collection: National Gallery of Art (4) | Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art (4)

location: National Gallery of Art (4)

Medal for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the École française d'Athènes [obverse]

work of art / sculpture
by Louis-Oscar Roty (1898)

Centennial of the Bank of France, 1800-1900 [obverse]

work of art / sculpture
by Louis-Oscar Roty (1900)

École française d'Athènes [reverse]

work of art / sculpture
by Louis-Oscar Roty (1898)

Personifications of Trust and Industry in a Landscape [reverse]

work of art / sculpture
by Louis-Oscar Roty (1900)