material used: tempera / location of final assembly: Florence / movement: Early Renaissance

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1 artworks found

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instance of: painting (1)

owned by: Museo Poldi Pezzoli (1) | Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli (1)

genre: portrait (1) | profile (1)

artist: Antonio del Pollaiolo (1) | Piero del Pollaiolo (1)

depicts: woman (1) | sky (1) | ear (1) | long hair (1) | ruby (1) | décolletage (1) | dress (1) | blond (1) | choker (1) | pendant (1) | Titian hair (1) | bijou (1) | vespaio (1)

collection: Museo Poldi Pezzoli (1)

location: Museo Poldi Pezzoli (1)

exhibition history: The Renaissance Portrait. From Donatello to Bellini (1) | Le Dame dei Pollaiolo. Una bottega fiorentina del Rinascimento (1)

Portrait of a Girl

by Piero del Pollaiolo (1470)
woman Titian hair blond dress choker pendant bijou sky ear ruby long hair vespaio décolletage