material used: tempera / movement: Gothic art / location: Musée Hyacinthe-Rigaud

Current filter – material used: tempera [remove filter] movement: Gothic art [remove filter] location: Musée Hyacinthe-Rigaud [remove filter]

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1 artworks found

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instance of: altarpiece (1)

artist: anonymous (1)

depicts: lion (1) | sea (1) | Jesus Christ (1) | Perpignan (1) | Trinity (1) | Holy Spirit (1) | landscape (1) | God the Father (1) | angel (1) | bull (1) | mandorla (1) | tetramorph (1) | Flagellation of Christ (1) | Twelve Apostles (1)

The Holy Trinity

by anonymous (1489)
Trinity angel God the Father Twelve Apostles Flagellation of Christ Jesus Christ lion mandorla sea landscape Perpignan Holy Spirit bull tetramorph