material used: wood / artist: anonymous / genre: history painting

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3 artworks found

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instance of: painting (3)

depicts: woman (1) | man (1) | Catholic Church (1) | Lucretia (1) | Sextus Tarquinius (1) | ex-voto (1) | rape of Lucretia (1) | Nossa Senhora do Desterro (1)

collection: Rijksmuseum (2) | Museu Histórico Nacional collection (1)

location: Rijksmuseum (2) | National Historical Museum (1)

main subject: rape of Lucretia (1)

location of final assembly: Portugal (1)

Legend of a Knight (end panel of a cassone)

by anonymous (15th century)


by anonymous (1766)
ex-voto Catholic Church Nossa Senhora do Desterro

Rape of Lucretia

by anonymous (1575)
Lucretia Sextus Tarquinius woman man rape of Lucretia