material used: wood / artist: Raphael / depicts: Child Jesus

Current filter – material used: wood [remove filter] artist: Raphael [remove filter] depicts: Child Jesus [remove filter]

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14 artworks found

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instance of: painting (13) | tondo (1) | altarpiece (1) | painting series (1)

owned by: Bode Museum (1) | Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany (1)

movement: High Renaissance (14)

genre: religious art (13) | religious painting (1)

based on: Madonna and Child (4)

collection: Gemäldegalerie (2) | Berlin State Museums (2) | Perugia (1) | Palazzo Pitti (1) | Bode Museum (1) | Museo del Prado (1) | National Gallery (1) | Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte (1) | Worcester Art Museum (1) | Galleria Palatina (1) | Condé Museum (1) | National Galleries of Scotland (1) | Department of Paintings of the Louvre (1) | Uffizi Gallery (1)

location: Palazzo Pitti (2) | Gemäldegalerie (2) | Perugia (1) | Uffizi (1) | Bode Museum (1) | Museo del Prado (1) | National Gallery (1) | Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte (1) | Worcester Art Museum (1) | Scottish National Gallery (1) | Condé Museum (1) | Room 710 (1)

country of origin: Italy (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (10) | Sacra Conversazione (2) | Holy Family (1)

location of final assembly: Florence (1) | Perugia (1)

Colonna Altarpiece

altarpiece / painting series
by Raphael (1503)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother angel

Madonna della seggiola

painting / tondo
by Raphael (1513)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother

Ansidei Madonna

by Raphael (1505)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother

Northbrook Madonna

by Raphael (1507)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother

Colonna Madonna

by Raphael (18th century)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy sitting blond mother

Madonna of Divine Love

by Raphael (1516)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother

Madonna with the Blue Diadem

by Raphael (1515s)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother

Madonna d'Orleans

by Raphael (1506)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother apple container medicinal plant treatment

Madonna del cardellino

by Raphael (1506)
Virgin Mary Child Jesus boy woman

Madonna del Granduca

by Raphael (1505)
Virgin Mary woman standing dress overcoat boy nudity blond headscarf aureola Child Jesus mother

Madonna Diotallevi

by Raphael (1503s)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother

The Holy Family

by Raphael (1518)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother

Von der Ropp Madonna

by Raphael (1500)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother Jerome Francis of Assisi

Bridgewater Madonna

by Raphael (1507)
woman Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary mother sitting aureola