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95 artworks found

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commissioned by: Constantijn Huygens (1)

owned by: France (1) | Adam Gottlob Moltke (1) | Kunsthistorisches Museum (1) | Félix Fénéon (1) | Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria (1) | Louisine Havemeyer (1) | Édouard Aynard (1) | Frederik Moltke (1) | Dirk Nijland (1)

movement: Orientalism (3) | rococo (3) | pointillism (3) | Flemish Primitives (3) | mannerism (2) | academic art (2) | Italian Renaissance (2) | High Renaissance (2) | Dutch Golden Age painting (2) | German Renaissance (2) | School of Fontainebleau (1) | Venetian school (1) | Egyptian Revival (1)

based on: Book of Genesis (5) | Metamorphoses (5) | death of Cleopatra (4) | Penitent Magdalene (3) | Susanna and the Elders (3) | Greek mythology (2) | Orlando Furioso (1) | Books of Samuel (1) | Judgement of Paris (1) | Leda and the Swan (1) | The Valpinçon Bather (1) | La Belle Impéria (1) | Yusuf and Zulaikha (1) | Leda and the Swan (1) | Rape of Europa (1) | Venus trying to prevent Adonis from going hunting (1) | Susanna and the Elders (1) | The Judgement of Paris (1)

artist: Peter Paul Rubens (7) | Rembrandt (3) | Georges Seurat (3) | Lucas Cranach the Elder (3) | Cornelius van Poelenburgh (3) | Adriaen van der Werff (3) | Jan Matsys (3) | Francisco Goya (2) | Raphael (2) | Parmigianino (2) | Pontormo (2) | Jan van Scorel (2) | François Clouet (2) | Jan Gossaert (2) | Cornelis van Haarlem (2) | Maarten van Heemskerck (2) | Nicolas Bertin (2) | François-Édouard Picot (1)

depicts: woman (55) | nudity (47) | breast (38) | umbilicus (34) | long hair (24) | sitting (24) | nipple (23) | sky (22) | man (20) | glabrousness (17) | cloud (14) | blond (14) | washing (12) | broad-leaved tree (12) | areola (12) | drapery (12) | tree (11) | rural area (10)

collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (24) | Rijksmuseum (18) | Musée d'Orsay (4) | Mauritshuis (4) | private collection (4) | Kunsthistorisches Museum (3) | Gemäldegalerie (3) | Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon (3) | Uffizi Gallery (3) | Hermitage Museum (2) | Berlin State Museums (2) | Nationalmuseum (2) | Gallery Prince Willem V (2) | Palazzo Pitti (1) | São Paulo Museum of Art (1) | Bilbao Fine Arts Museum (1) | Metropolitan Museum of Art (1) | Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte (1)

location: Rijksmuseum (18) | Musée d'Orsay (4) | Room 800 (4) | Kunsthistorisches Museum (3) | Gemäldegalerie (3) | Mauritshuis (3) | Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon (3) | in Painting's depot of the Musée du Louvre or in temporary movement (3) | Hermitage Museum (2) | Nationalmuseum (2) | Louvre Palace (2) | Room 710 (2) | Uffizi Gallery (2) | Paris (1) | Amsterdam (1) | Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (1) | Getty Center (1) | São Paulo Museum of Art (1)

part of: Ghent Altarpiece (1)

country of origin: Italy (2) | France (2)

exhibition history: Salon d'automne de 1905 (1) | Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (1) | Corot 1796-1875 (1) | Corot. The Painter and his Models (1) | Exposition des primitifs français (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (5) | fall of man (4) | Susanna and the Elders (4) | death of Cleopatra (4) | Leda and the Swan (3) | Penitent Magdalene (3) | suicide of Lucretia (3) | Judgement of Paris (2) | Diana bathing (2) | martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (2) | washing (1) | Venus (1) | Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (1) | Rape of Europa (1) | John the Baptist in the wilderness (1)

location of final assembly: Paris (2) | Antwerp (1)


by Francisco Goya (1800s)
man head rock cave fire cannibalism nudity cadaver hand violence

Expulsion of Adam and Eve

by Pontormo (1535)
Adam Eve nudity walking glabrousness woman man serpent in the Bible couple

God Holds Adam and Eve Responsible

by Adriaen van der Werff (1717)
Adam Eve man woman couple nudity sitting standing glabrousness fig leaf umbilicus breast armpit blond long hair brown hair Garden of Eden fruit rabbit lion mons pubis fall of man

Nymphes et Satyre

by Cornelius van Poelenburgh (17th century)
livestock landscape satyr

Adam and Eve

painting / artwork copy / pendant
by Hans Baldung (1520)
Adam Eve nudity contrapposto long hair fig leaf woman man part umbilicus breast serpent in the Bible snake Cervus elaphus lion apple couple Adam and Eve

Sleeping Christ Child with Music Making Angels

by Carlo Maratta (1697)

Study for the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

by Anthony van Dyck (1620)
executioner Saint Sebastian

Poseuse assise, de profil

by Georges Seurat (1887)
woman nudity stool brown hair sitting

Susanna and the elders

by Hendrick de Clerck (2nd millennium)


by Rembrandt (1636)
Susanna woman nudity washing

Venus and Adonis

by Bartholomeus Spranger (1587)
Venus Aphrodite woman nudity sitting blond glabrousness umbilicus breast areola hug Adonis man standing spear clothed male, naked female sword blowing horn hunting dog dog collar leash Cupid Eros putto bird's wing arrow watercourse satyr nymph toplessness Diana Artemis herd goatherd castle landscape rural area goat pasture grazing hunting sky cloud couple tree

Bathing girls

by Cornelius van Poelenburgh (1646)

Bathsheba Observed by King David

by Jan Matsys (16th century)
Bathsheba woman washing sitting breast nipple palace sky cloud column drapery gaze towards the viewer

Pomona Receives the Harvest of Fruit

by Cornelis van Haarlem (1626)

The Destiny of Marie de' Medici

by Peter Paul Rubens (1622)
spinning Jupiter Marie de' Medici cloud truth

Cannibals Chopping up Victims

by Francisco Goya (1800s)
meals hanging flaying cave rock man nudity cannibalism viscus cadaver

Nursing Madonna

by Marco d'Oggiono (16th century)
Nursing Madonna

La Mort de Cléopâtre

by Hans Makart (1875)
Cleopatra woman toplessness umbilicus breast areola snakebite Egyptian cobra suicide blood necklace pearl coif sitting bouquet drapery brown hair nipple belt shoulder

The Rape of Europa

by Maerten de Vos (1590s)
Zeus Europa temple boat

De gevallen engel

by Willem de Zwart (2nd millennium)

The Bath of Diana

by François Clouet (1559)
Diana bathing nudity satyr

The toilet of Venus

by Peter Paul Rubens (1613s)
Venus mirror gaze towards the viewer Venus effect Cupid blond nudity back earring bracelet necklace pearl woman

Venus and Adonis

by Peter Paul Rubens (1614)
Venus Aphrodite woman Adonis man nudity diadem blond glabrousness Cupid Eros chariot hunting dog rural area umbilicus breast swan tree cloud sitting wheel couple eye contact lovers' embrace

[no title]

by Antoine Watteau (1718s)
court decision woman back portrait Cupid shield jealousy dog vegetation peacock

David and Bathsheba

by Jan Matsys (1562)
David Bathsheba


by Cornelis Bisschop (1660s)
Bathsheba woman washing sitting tree back fountain buttocks reading intergluteal cleft palace sky cloud brown hair

Bathsheba Bathing

by Hans Memling (1485s)
Bathsheba woman washing sitting breast nipple palace umbilicus mule drapery

The Turkish Bath

painting / tondo
by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1862)
harem Turkish bath woman dance music hairstyle nudity back glabrousness Huequitos para Andrea breast handbra umbilicus necklace long hair blond bracelet earring black people White people ring armpit nipple Grossenau part Madeleine Chapelle mons pubis

The Triumph of Venus

by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1765s)
crown pigeon putto chariot landscape sky cloud Venus nudity None

Bathsheba after the Bath

by Jan Steen (1670s)
Bathsheba woman washing sitting breast nipple group of humans fountain dog pedicure dress red hair chignon elderly walking stick veil letter balustrade standing mule drapery toplessness décolletage

The Metamorphosis of Hermaphrodite and Salmacis

by Jan Gossaert (1520)
Salmacis Hermaphroditus couple nudity fig leaf watercourse rural area combat standing red hair chestnut hair long hair nude swimming breast nipple eyebrow umbilicus glabrousness broad-leaved tree shore sky grass aerial perspective

Naked Young Woman in Front of the Mirror

by Giovanni Bellini (1515)
bedroom wall window mirror woman nudity sitting long hair chestnut hair headgear specular reflection vase house hill mountain sky cloud sunset twilight washing umbilicus part mirror image

Joseph and Potiphar's Wife

by Nicolas Bertin (1699)
Joseph man standing long hair Titian hair sandal overcoat Zuleika woman nudity blond headband breast nipple umbilicus smile seduction clothed male, naked female canopy bed bedroom bed sheet pillow blanket brasero smoke wall pilaster pigtail Potiphar's wife

Venus in a Landscape

by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1529)
Venus headgear landscape château pond mirror image nudity

Study and Genius reveal ancient Egypt to Greece

by François-Édouard Picot (1826)
Athens owl Potamoi Egypt woman genius Nile putto pyramid sphinx symbol throne

Susanna and the Elders

by Nicolas Bertin (1699)
Susanna woman washing umbilicus breast nipple black hair long hair ribbon nude swimming man elderly white hair clothed male, naked female beard broad-leaved tree fountain water jet basin sky cloud evening sunset

Eva Prima Pandora

by Jean Cousin (1550)
nudity woman half reclining umbilicus breast Pandora Pandora's box long hair chignon human skull vase pithos body of water glabrousness city/town shore aerial perspective plant sky Eve nymph Paris tree

Andromeda Chained to the Rocks

by Rembrandt (1631s)
Andromeda damsel in distress woman toplessness prisoner umbilicus rock chain standing shore sea sky night Pathos reed long hair red hair breast Typha latifolia cliff areola nipple

The Infant Bacchus

by Pieter van der Werff (18th century)

Saint John the Baptist

by Raphael (1518)
John the Baptist

Poseuse debout

painting / study
by Georges Seurat (1886)
woman nudity brown hair hipshot umbilicus wall window waist gaze towards the viewer

[no title]

by Lovis Corinth (1925)
woman nudity umbilicus smile shoe bracelet dress dress belt blond long hair public nudity hip

The Bath of Diana

by François Clouet (1558s)
Diana bathing nudity satyr

Madonna and Child

by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1475s)
bay column Child Jesus book speech scroll

Madonna and Child with Four Angels

by Master of the Nativity of Castello (1450s)
angel crown Child Jesus rose