material used: canvas / artist: Raphael / movement: High Renaissance

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13 artworks found

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instance of: painting (13)

commissioned by: Leo X (1)

owned by: Lucas van Uffelen (1)

genre: religious art (8) | portrait (4) | self-portrait (1) | genre art (1)

depicts: woman (6) | Virgin Mary (5) | boy (4) | man (4) | Child Jesus (4) | mother (3) | Jesus Christ (2) | John the Baptist (2) | angel (2) | human (1) | nudity (1) | human pregnancy (1) | Jordan River (1) | beard (1) | umbilicus (1) | Michael the Archangel (1) | sandal (1) | God the Father (1)

collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre (5) | Galleria Palatina (3) | Museo del Prado (2) | National Gallery (1) | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (1) | private collection (1)

location: Room 712 (5) | Museo del Prado (2) | Galleria Palatina (2) | Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (1) | Palazzo Pitti (1) | National Gallery (1)

country of origin: Italy (1)

exhibition history: Europeana 280 (1)

main subject: Madonna and Child (2) | Baldassare Castiglione (1) | Sacra Conversazione (1) | Holy Family (1) | Visitation (1) | Christ carrying the cross (1) | John the Baptist in the wilderness (1)

St. Michael Vanquishing Satan

by Raphael (1518)
angel Michael the Archangel

Self-portrait with a friend

by Raphael (1518)
Raphael man

La velata

by Raphael (1516)
woman veil

Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione

by Raphael (1514)
Baldassare Castiglione beard

Madonna of the Pinks

by Raphael (1506)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother

Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary

by Raphael (1516)
Jesus Christ man

Madonna del Baldacchino

by Raphael (1506)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother human

St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness

by Raphael (1516)
John the Baptist nudity umbilicus sitting trunk

Portrait of Cardinal Bibbiena

by Raphael (1516)
man Bernardo Dovizi

Sistine Madonna

by Raphael (1513)
Virgin Mary woman Child Jesus boy mother angel

Portrait of Lorenzo di Medici, Duke of Urbino

by Raphael (1516)
man Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urbino

The Holy Family of Francis I

by Raphael (1518)
Holy Family Child Jesus boy Virgin Mary woman


by Raphael (1518)
Virgin Mary woman Elizabeth God the Father Jordan River Jesus Christ John the Baptist sandal human pregnancy Visitation