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2 artworks found

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commissioned by: William I of Württemberg (1)

movement: neoclassicism (1) | Orientalism (1)

genre: nude (1) | landscape art (1) | genre art (1)

based on: The Ray of Light (1)

artist: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1) | Thomas Doughty (1) | Hippolyte Flandrin (1) | Paul Flandrin (1)

collection: Walters Art Museum (1) | Brooklyn Museum (1)

location: Walters Art Museum (1) | Brooklyn Museum (1)

country of origin: United States of America (1)

Landscape after Ruisdael

painting / artwork copy
by Thomas Doughty (1846s)
sky cloud river tree hill mountain ruins man dog horse equestrian bridge arch church building windmill

Odalisque with Slave

painting / artwork copy
by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1842)
odalisque enslaved person nudity clothed male, naked female woman man lying standing sitting Titian hair turban bed hookah music hand fan drapery garden tree balustrade sky umbilicus armpit see-through clothing barefoot earring bracelet necklace curtain black people White people pillow musician domestic worker